Something New

I have spent years building my life from the ground up. All the pieces had been arranged with thought and care. Ample time and energy were spent creating every last detail. Little by little, it all began to unravel before my eyes. I now see my life’s work laid...

A Quiet Space

I am alone. Never in my life have I felt so lonely. The quiet has always been my refuge, but as of late, it’s felt encompassing, as if it was closing in on me. Usually, I am surrounded by noise and take great comfort in silence. It has always been a time for me...

Letting Go

I look at my life, and I do not recognize it. I feel like a stranger in my own body. Nothing looks familiar; nothing feels the same. I could never have imagined being where I am in life right now. Truth has taken me upon her wings and shown me where I must let go. She...


I remember as a child being afraid of the dark. Fearful of what could be hiding in it, of what could attack me from it. It seemed endless and felt ominous. Like anything could jump out at any moment. This unease changed as I grew older. It morphed from a fear of the...

Embracing Our True Selves

In this world, so many of us are surrounded by a litany of judgments. Everyone has an opinion that they try to impose on others. We see it everywhere we go. We hear it within our own families and communities. Because we are aware of this to different degrees, we let...


Stop feeding your fears, and they’ll eventually wither and die. We continue to feed them by feeding into them. When we look up and realize that we are the ones keeping them well-fed and cozy, we can begin to stop. Our fears have a firm hold on us because we keep...