We have all been conditioned to fear each other and our differences. Fear has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. It has many different faces such as anxiety, hatred, mistrust, self-consciousness, worry, lack, jealousy, and so many more. Fear keeps us in a state where we feel we have no control over our lives.
There has been so much fear surrounding me my entire life that I never realized I was choking on it. That I was letting it carve out pieces of me until all that remained was a trembling shell of a person, slowly withering away into the shadows. Many of my fears stemmed from the potential dangers the world implants into our minds as we get older.
The fear that all girls experience when they’re told the world isn’t a safe place. I understand that women need to be aware of the risks, but it breaks my heart that I let the uncertainty of those risks stop me from living my life to the fullest. Thankfully, I can now see through some of the fears that once held me hostage. It is not the big bad monster it made itself out to be.
When I came to understand that Life is working for me and not against me, I realized there really isn’t anything to be afraid of. F.e.a.r stands for false evidence appearing real. This means a closer inspection of our fears is required to see where the false evidence may be hiding in our belief system.
So many of my fears, once faced, ended up contributing to my growth. This knowledge gives me the power to be still with any present misgivings, knowing it will eventually reveal itself for the gift it is. In the end, it’s about the way we wish to perceive life as it’s happening to us. That being the case, I choose to no longer be a slave to fear.
In its stead, I choose to trust my intuition and be an example to other women of what is possible when we decide to release the indoctrination handed down to us from previous generations. We wouldn’t be here without our Ancestors, and I feel they are rooting for us to play our part in liberating ourselves from this fear.
I have come to know myself more deeply than I could have ever imagined; yet, I have still only skimmed the surface. There awaits so much more. Whole other worlds are left to explore the depths of my being. Identifying this in myself has shown me how little we truly see one another. How can we, if we do not even see ourselves?
This quest that I have undertaken begins with healing myself first then passing on those invaluable lessons to others so they may heal themselves; until all the fears and lies have been transmuted to love and truth. I feel deeply this is why I have incarnated on this Earth at this particular moment in time.
It doesn’t seem like a coincidence that love is the vibrational state that unlocks our powers, yet the world is steeped in fear. The same fear that keeps us from using our power to rise above our circumstances. Humanity has lived in this low vibrational state for thousands of years. But I believe we are entering a new beginning, one that looks very different than it does now.
Everywhere I look, I see people awakening to their true potential. I hear love being spread through many different avenues. People are coming to realize who they truly are, and it is beautiful to behold. Humans are breaking out of their confines. They’re dreaming a new world into existence, one where we are no longer divided but united.
Love is linking us together and giving people the strength to refuse to let fear have the final say. I see a willingness to learn, grow and expand into a deeper awareness of what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. It is a privilege to be a part of a growing movement that honors one another and all life on this fragile planet.
Man is a spiritual being, a soul, and at some period of his life, everyone is possessed with an irresistible desire to know his relationship to the Infinite. There is something within him which urges him to rise above himself, to control his environment, to master the body, and all things physical and live in a higher and more beautiful world. – David O McKay
Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. – Marie Curie
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. – H.P. Lovecraft
Anybody who is one with what he or she is doing is building the new earth. – Eckhart Tolle
So many imposed thoughts have become belief systems. But once the unaware becomes aware, all falsity flies away and a new land becomes available to humankind. – Roxana Jones
You are a light that cannot darken. You are a soul that shines through. You are the eternal amid the moment. You are awakening. You are love. – Creg Crippen