There is so much love inside me, flowing within me; Transforming and healing me one cell at a time, one wound at a time. Love speaks into my corners and edges, filling me with light and peace. I’ve experienced a great deal of pain in my life. More pain than I was aware of because my ego had kept a lot of it repressed.
I’m allowing the pain to come up, to let myself feel and release it. With every release, I feel more weightless and serene. This progress motivates me to keep digging into the far reaches of my being. I thought I could escape my pain, hide from it, or somehow outgrow it.
But I can’t outrun it because the aspect of me that experienced the pain lives on in me. I never realized hiding from my pain meant I was also hiding from her—the innocent child within who couldn’t understand what was happening or why. But I am here now, and I have come to rescue my inner child and show her she’s safe with me.
I am her sanctuary where she can rest, experiment, play, and have the space to be. She is slowly learning to trust me again. Every choice I make for her benefit strengthens the trust that flows between us. She gives me the courage to face my fears and slay them for her.
She gives me the determination to face my trauma with emotional courage. I choose to be brave because she is worth it. I am becoming the parent she never had. I am demonstrating to her what it looks like to be a self-empowered individual. Love pumps into every crevice of my being, connecting us in an unbreakable bond.
We stand united; 5-year-old me, 10-year-old me, 15-year-old me, etc. We know each other’s pain. Being a witness to each other’s suffering has created an understanding amongst us. Love weaves her magic to strengthen the link between us. My heart is full to bursting with the love swelling inside.
Connecting with my inner child has allowed me to see my world through the eyes of a child. I see beauty everywhere in ordinary, mundane moments. There is a new sense of aliveness penetrating the air. When I listen to music, I feel the entire apartment swaying to the sound along with me.
When I step outside, I sense nature singing in harmony with me while looking up in wonder at the sight of the stars. A glee springs up within me when my kids start running around, laughing and playing. Everything around me feels magical and mystical. I had forgotten what it felt like to experience my world with wonder.
Connecting with my inner child is one of the best things I’ve ever done. I am very grateful to reunite with this aspect of myself. I hope to carry it with me always and remember it for the precious gift that it is. The miracle of childhood is not something we leave behind when we enter adulthood.
We have the power to choose to keep our inner child with us every step of the way. Cultivating a relationship with our inner child gives us the chance to express ourselves holistically. So often, I have seen myself as one thing, one person, but I’m not. There is a multitude of facets that make up who I am. Acknowledging this truth has freed me in many ways.
I want to thank the Divine for introducing me to all the unique aspects of my being and helping me uncover the beauty in the diversity of my feelings. I give thanks to my higher self for her loving guidance and to my heart for her wisdom and intuition. Trusting these mentors to mold me has allowed me to experience oneness with myself.
Hold the hand of the child that lives in your soul. For this child, nothing is impossible. – Paulo Coelho
The cry we hear from deep in our hearts, comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child’s pain is the key to transforming anger, sadness, and fear. – Thich Nhat Hanh
Inner child healing is the state of connection with yourself. – Dolores Gonzalez
Caring for your inner child has a powerful and surprisingly quick result. Do it, and the child heals. – Martha Beck
The wound is not my fault, but the healing is my responsibility. – Marianne Williamson
To love ourselves, we must first learn to love the little person inside all of us. The little boy or girl that didn’t get loved the way they should, that didn’t feel safe on the dark nights, and that lived in fear that they would never be good enough. We must hold that little person close to us, pull them on our laps, and whisper in their ears, “everything will be okay, for I am here now, and I will never leave.” And when we do that, we will become the love for ourselves we never had. – Atticus