What does learning to live fully mean? It means surrendering to the present moment completely; Understanding how to release the fears that have shaped our past, and eliminating their power to shape our future.

It means taking an active role in shaping who we want to be and releasing the parts of ourselves that no longer serve our highest good.  

Learning to live fully opens us to life lessons that will change as we grow in our understanding. It helps us expand our awareness to begin perceiving the miraculous beings we are.

The difference between those governed by stress and anxiety and those who live more peaceful lives is that they’ve had a shift in perception. 

When we can recognize that life is working for us and not against us, we can begin to trust that the events taking place in our lives are there to help us grow.

We are one with the creative force of the Universe, which means we are also creators. We create our reality every day with our words, thoughts, and actions. 

This wisdom is incredibly empowering because it means we have the power to create the life we want to live. The only limits that exist are the ones we place on ourselves. Anything is possible when we believe in ourselves. 

A Blessing For You: 

May you allow love to dissolve fear and live in the truth that you are whole just as you are. May you remember that you are the living embodiment of creation and rest in the loving peace that is your birthright.