We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. As spiritual beings, we are one with the creative force of the Universe. This signifies that we are creators, creating our own reality. Our lives look the way they do because we have created them to look that way.

Most of us are unaware that we have the power to create our reality, so we end up creating unconsciously. But whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly creating with every thought, emotion, and action. When we become aware of this, we can begin to create a more harmonious life.

We can put intention behind our thoughts and actions and begin to manifest that which we desire. As we align with our higher selves, our awareness will grow, and our ability to tell when and what we are creating will become clearer. This will make it easier to navigate the choices set before us.

Some people think manifesting is simply asking the Universe for what we want, then waiting for it to happen. In a way, it is that simple, but what most don’t realize is if there is a part of us that doesn’t think we deserve it, or doesn’t want it to happen for whatever reason, then it won’t work. We end up sabotaging ourselves without knowing.

We are vibrational beings. Everything in the Universe is vibrations and frequencies. When we are experiencing fear and lack, we are vibrating at a low frequency. When we are experiencing love and peace, we are vibrating at a high frequency.

The Universe will multiply that which is already there, so if I want to manifest abundance, for example, and I am coming at it from a place of not having enough, lack will be multiplied. True manifesting is being aware that we are already anything we could ever want.

Because linear time doesn’t exist, everything that has ever been or will be is contained within our field of energy. All this information is held within, waiting to be manifested into existence. The key is realizing we already are abundant, free, wise, and powerful entities.

The work is to clear the blocks that keep us from seeing this truth. Once the blocks are clear, manifesting is as simple as aligning what we desire with the truth that we already have and are it, and so we bring it forth from our very being into our reality.

We are told the world is unsafe, and we should tread lightly in fear of the terrible things that may happen. Fear is a very powerful vibrational state, and humans have created many horrifying experiences using the vibration of fear. Yet fear is not something we should be afraid of.

To experience fear is to be human, and it is better to have compassion for our fears than to turn away from them out of fear. When we can send love to the parts of us that are afraid, we lift those fears into a higher vibration. Love and truth are at the root of Manifestation.

When we bring our fears into our love and compassion, and from that place of love speak our desires, we infuse the desire with love, and something new is created in that moment. We create the potential for new opportunities within our being, and the Universe meets that herself with the gift of our deepest desires.

If we can accept the truth that we are Divine Creators, then from this truth, we can create a life we love; A life that serves us,  Mother Earth, and one another in all the best ways. From this place of union, peace and prosperity will be birthed into being for all life on the planet. It is inevitable.


Wanting arises from the ego’s delusion that you are a separate fragment that is disconnected from the power that lies behind all creation. – Eckhart Tolle

Anything that exists in this reality, physical plane, is because we make it so. It could not exist without us manifesting it into existence. If we feel a type of way about a situation we are creating that situation. If you didn’t feel a certain type of way about it, it wouldn’t exist. – Ram Dass

There is only one living being and you are that being. You are the force that manifests itself in infinite ways throughout all the Universe. – Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz

Hi fear, what are you going to teach me today? – Amy Samata

It’s not the words of your intentions that manifest your reality, it’s the vibration of the energy of your intentions that attracts. – The Law of Attraction