I recently began taking spiritual coaching classes. I was listening to a spiritual coach on Facebook one day talking about what she does. It immediately caught my interest because the topics she spoke of were ones I spoke of often. I was already passionate about all things spiritual, so I decided to make it official and get certified.

I chose a program that spoke to my heart and taught many of the subjects I had already been teaching myself for the past five years. I find it funny that I had asked the Universe for a teacher to help me dive even deeper, and that’s exactly who I found. My teacher’s name is Master Coach Hu.

He is called Master because he’s logged in thousands of hours in the field and has done over 25 years of research putting together the curriculum I am currently learning. He is an amazing soul who combined the work of spiritual masters who have come before, including Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, and Ram Dass.

And spiritual masters influencing the world today like Eckhart Tolle, Miguel Ruiz, and Deepak Chopra. What he did is quite remarkable. He took esoteric concepts and organized them into an understandable bite-size curriculum that helps people journey home to their inner Self. I’ve been taking classes for about a month now, and it has already blown my mind.

Every time I sit down to work on my assignments, I cry. I can’t help it. There is so much healing accompanying this spiritual work and so many insights into why I do the things I do. It allows me to show myself compassion for the mistakes I once showed myself contempt for.

It is an enormous relief to find the answers I have been seeking. I can finally begin to understand my behavioral patterns so they no longer have the power to control my life. The most helpful exercise I have learned, and it’s tough to choose because everything I’m being taught is gold, is the Spiritual Distinction Meditation.

It helps me distinguish between my ego-mind and my spirit. That has been one of the most challenging things I had been trying to learn on my own. I kept thinking I could tell the difference, but then I would be unsure again. It was very frustrating. But this meditation is a step-by-step guide that helps me feel the difference between the two.

I’m taking the lesson from the meditation and applying it to my daily life to know when something is coming from my ego-mind and when it’s coming from my spirit. I already feel like I’m viewing my life from a different pair of lenses, and I’m only a month in. I’m so excited to offer this course to my clients once I graduate. It’s changing so many people’s lives, including mine.

A client asked me the other day why I do this work. I told her because I’m pissed. I am livid that people walk around not knowing who they really are or the power they have access to. I’m angry that we’ve all had the wool pulled over our eyes. That we’ve been led to believe we’re powerless in the creation of our own reality.

It feels like a fire in my blood, contained but never extinguished. This sacred rage pushes me to continue growing, learning, and healing so I can share everything I know until every last human has set themselves free. I may never see this in my lifetime, but it won’t deter me from planting seeds in people’s hearts to one day make it possible.


As long as the mind and ego control the direction of creating, there will always be problems in the outer world, for the ego thinks only of itself and lives in duality. But when the heart is in control, everything comes back to balance, for the heart feels and knows only the oneness of life. – Drunvalo Malchizedek

The ego seeks to divide and separate. Spirit seeks to unify and heal.- Pema Chodron

The sure sign that a soul is awake, is that it is outraged. – Francis Weller

The act of civil disobediance is the act of taking our anger and turning it into sacred rage. It is a personal and collective gesture of resistance and insistance. – Terry Tempest Williams

Spiritual healing occurs as we begin to consciously reconnect with our essential being- the wise, loving, powerful, creative entity that we are at our core. – Shakti Gawain